The cockroach of writing

Usvsth3m used to have a tool where you could make your own 2048 games with various text and images. This no longer works (probably due to their move away from particular site), but you can do the same thing yourself. First, go to then press the green “Clone or download” button, and press “Download […]

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A minor annoyance for me has been when trying to extract multiple Garry’s mod addons, they have to be done one at a time. So, I wrote a wrapper called “gmads.exe” that allows multiple addons to be extracted at once. Simply select all gmas to extract and drag them on to the program. Because it […]

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It’s happened to all of us. (Vagueness intensifies) You’ve walked out of the cinema, and you can’t help but think “that needed more explosions”. Similarly, we’ve all written a PHP script and thought much the same thing. Right? …right? Now there’s a solution. This all-new PHP function, needsMoreExplosions(), will solve all your problems by exploding […]

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