I like how this turned out.
Unfortunately all but one of my three (ish) screenshots had the muzzle flash emitter actually firing at the right time. It’s weird how there’s also a flash on the ground.

Things not immediately obvious:
There is a light inside the train car, causing it to be so bright. The car does actually have a light in it but it’s hidden on the long wall facing away from the camera and not bright enough.
The CP actually has a pistol and is holding it, one hand underneath.
The lamp in the train car is meant to be by the short wall hidden off camera to the left, but I accidentally smashed a cardboard box with the physgun (hidden to the right behind the long wall) and the wall looked to empty.
The sun casting all the awesome shadows is actually a projected light and is nowhere near the trainstation roof. It’s just a bit higher and further back than the train on the right, hence why the light stops a little behind male01’s head. The sun in the map is more on the right of the station roof.

I’m also careful to make my lights not pure white, hence the “sun”‘s red tint. The light in the train is also a different colour, green I think.
On Steam.